biologische pure jojoba olie

13 reasons to add Jojoba oil to your skincare routine

1. Jojoba oil moisturizing

Jojoba oil is a moisturizing ingredient. This means that personal care enriched with jojoba oil works to seal your skin with a protective barrier to prevent it from losing moisture. This can help prevent bacterial infections, acne and dandruff from developing.

View our organic jojoba oil and order today!

2. Jojoba oil antibacterial

Jojoba oil contains antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Although laboratory tests have shown that jojoba oil does not kill all bacterial or fungal species, it does kill certain bacteria and fungi that cause salmonella, an E. coli infection and candida.

View our organic jojoba oil and order today!

3. Jojoba oil antioxidant

Jojoba oil contains natural forms of vitamin E. This vitamin works with your skin as an antioxidant. This means that jojoba oil helps the skin fight oxidative stress caused by daily exposure to active pollutants and other toxins.


4. Jojoba oil non-comedogenic

Although jojoba oil is a botanical, its composition is so similar to the oil (sebum) your body naturally produces that your skin cannot tell the difference. This means it builds up less quickly on the skin and does not clog the pores. As a result, people who use jojoba oil and care for their skin a few times a week see a reduction in pimples and severe acne.

View our organic jojoba oil and order today!

5. Jojoba oil hypoallergenic

On a molecular level, jojoba oil is a wax. Although it can be absorbed into your skin, its waxy nature causes it to create a soothing seal on the surface. Unlike other botanical essential oils, jojoba oil is usually non-irritating. Allergic reactions are therefore rare.

6. Jojoba oil helps control sebum production

Jojoba oil regulates sebum production because it is so similar to the sebum that your body naturally produces. A few drops of jojoba oil on the skin ensures that the jojoba oil works as a soothing and moisturizing oil. The oil sends a signal to your hair and sweat follicles that your skin does not need extra sebum for hydration. This keeps the skin from looking greasy and helps prevent acne caused by clogged pores.

7. Jojoba oil promotes collagen synthesis

The antioxidants in jojoba oil help the body produce collagen. Collagen is a protein found in your skin and joints, as well as the parts of your body that are made of cartilage. The collagen content decreases as you get older. This is part of the reason why your facial structure changes as you age. At least one study links antioxidants applied to the skin to improved collagen synthesis. Using jojoba oil in your personal care results in supple, young-looking skin.

8. Jojoba oil helps accelerate wound healing

Jojoba oil is a promising ingredient in stimulating wound healing. Preliminary research shows that jojoba oil encourages your skin cells to bond together after they have been separated by a scratch or cut. This may also be the reason for its ability to treat acne and acne scars. These wound healing properties may be related to the concentration of natural vitamin E. of jojoba oil.

View our organic jojoba oil and order today!

9. Jojoba oil soothes eczema, psoriasis and other drying skin conditions

Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Topical application can help relieve dryness, flaking, itching and related symptoms. People with inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis may find jojoba oil particularly beneficial.

10. Jojoba oil can help soothe sunburn

Jojoba oil is a popular ingredient in some natural sunscreen products.One study suggests that vitamin E, when combined with other antioxidants, may help protect your skin from sun damage. Jojoba oil contains both. Sun damage can dry out your skin and cause flaking. Jojoba oil restores vitamin E, adds moisture and promotes healing to soothe these sunburn symptoms.


11. Jojoba oil can help treat acne

At least one clinical study indicates that jojoba oil may help prevent acne. Jojoba oil has soothing anti-inflammatory agents, healing properties, is moisturizing and is a natural antimicrobial agent. These properties suggest that jojoba oil may help you prevent breakouts and promote healing of mild acne.


12. Jojoba oil can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles

Oxidative stress may be linked to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. There is no research linking jojoba to directly treating wrinkles and fine lines, but other herbal products with antioxidant properties have been shown to improve skin elasticity. This means that the antioxidant power of jojoba oil can help slow the signs of aging when used on your skin. This keeps the skin supple and young.

View our organic jojoba oil and order today!

13. Jojoba oil can help minimize the appearance of scars

Vitamin E has long been recommended by health professionals to help scars. Research into whether this works - and if so, to what extent - is still ongoing. If you want to try vitamin E as a remedy for scars, jojoba oil can be helpful in the healing process. The natural wound healing properties of Jojoba oil in combination with the vitamin E content can keep scars to a minimum.

How can you use Jojoba oil?

Unlike some other essential oils, jojoba oil does not need to be diluted and can be applied directly to your skin. Before using jojoba oil or any cosmetic product for the first time, do a patch test to make sure you are not allergic. You can do a patch test by following these steps:

      • Apply three or four drops of jojoba oil to your inner arm.
      • Cover the area with a bandage and wait 24 hours.
      • Remove the bandage and check the skin underneath. If there are no signs of hives, redness, or irritation, you're safe.

The way you use jojoba oil depends on the desired result. You can use the oil neat as a lip balm to soothe dry, cracked lips, or you can apply it all over your face before bed as a massage oil as well as an anti-aging serum. You can also mix pure jojoba oil with other natural acne-fighting ingredients in a DIY mask treatment to improve acne, as participants in one study did. Jojoba oil is safe to use around your eyes, unlike most other ingredients, making it a popular makeup remover for oil-based makeup.

View our organic jojoba oil and order today!

Potential side effects and risks

Because jojoba oil is hypoallergenic, it is generally considered safe to apply topically. However, there are some rare cases where jojoba oil has caused an allergic reaction. Symptoms included hives and itching. To avoid these side effects, do a patch test (described above) before using jojoba oil.



Jojoba oil is a versatile essential oil that you can use for multiple skin types. The oil is suitable for the following skin types:

      • Oily skin
      • Normal skin
      • Mature skin
      • Sensitive skin
      • Dry skin

You can mix the oil extremely well with other vegetable oils or butters such as shea butter, mango butter or argan oil or you can add a few drops to your favorite other natural products such as your day cream. You can also mix pure jojoba oil with essential oils such as aloe vera, ylang ylang or tea tree. The oil contains unique properties that help protect your skin against free radicals and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. But you can also use the oil as a makeup remover or as a wonderful massage oil. As mentioned earlier, pure jojoba oil is an all-rounder. Enthusiastic about our 100% organic products and would you like to buy jojoba oil?

View ourorganic Jojoba oil here or readhere the 12 benefits of argan oil


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  • Geweldig fijn product.
    Prachtige fles met pipet!

    Heerlijke olie die ik als dagverzorging gebruik en mijn lief in zijn baard!

    marion Draaijer on

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