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This is how to use black cumin seed oil for sensitive skin

Many people have to deal with pressure and stress in everyday life. This can have a negative impact on the skin and body. Partly for this reason, it is good to pay some extra attention to yourself every now and then. Fortunately, there are a lot of organic cosmetics available with which you can pamper your body, skin and hair. One of these products is our black cumin seed oil. In this article we would like to tell you more about this product.

What is black cumin seed oil?

Black cumin seed oil is a product that comes from Southwest Asia. Here you can find the Nigella Sativa, also known as the nutmeg flower. Black cumin seed oil is extracted from the seeds of this flower. Scientific research into the use of black cumin seed oil has been conducted worldwide for 25 years. One small black cumin seed contains no less than 150 essential substances. Examples of these essential substances are various vitamins and minerals, but also unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. Other substances that can be extracted from black cumin seeds are amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins and various fixed and volatile oils. Our black cumin seed oil is organic, cold-pressed and intended for external use only.

Why can black cumin seed oil be beneficial for the face?

There are a number of (health) benefits that black cumin seed oil can bring. Black cumin seed oil is regularly used externally and can therefore help treat skin conditions such as dry skin, eczema, psoriasis and acne.

If you suffer from acne, you are dealing with excessive sebum production. The more sebum is produced, the dirtier the skin on the face becomes. You can keep washing your face, but this will only dry out the skin. With dry skin, your body tends to produce extra sebum, which means sebum production and acne will not decrease. What can help is the antimicrobial property of black cumin seed oil.

Antimicrobial technology ensures that the growth and reproduction of fungi and bacteria is inhibited or even destroyed. These fungi and bacteria can also be described as 'microbes'. The human body contains millions of microbes, which can be both good and bad for us. The bacteria on the skin that cause acne are less desirable microbes. The antimicrobial function of black cumin seed oil reduces or even destroys these microbes. So would you like to get rid of your acne? Then this type of oil can certainly help with this.

Why can black cumin seed oil be beneficial for hair?

Would you like to use black cumin seed oil for your hair? This can result in better hydration of the hair and a reduction in dandruff on the scalp. Dandruff is characterized by extremely dry skin. With a dry scalp there is an overproduction of new cells. The body does this to overcompensate. There is no overproduction or dandruff when you take good care of your scalp. For good care, you can also consider using black cumin seed oil. The moisturizing effect of the oil ensures that the scalp is sufficiently nourished and is no longer dry. This results in a reduction or even disappearance of dandruff.

How can you best use black cumin seed oil?

Before using our black cumin seed oil, it is valuable to know how to apply the oil in your skin care routine. To help you get started, we will tell you how to best use our oil for both the skin and the hair.

Our black cumin seed oil for the face

Take the dosage into account when applying the product. We recommend that you use five to eight drops. Use the natural skin oil in the morning as the penultimate step, before your sunscreen. The oil can be applied as a final step before going to sleep. Warm a few drops between your palms. Then choose the spot where you want to apply the product. Gently and gently massage the oil into the desired area. As with many other oils, we recommend that you avoid using black cumin seed oil around the eyes.

Our black cumin seed oil for hair

For optimal results, it is best to use our oil on the hair once or twice a week. In addition to the fact that the oil hydrates the hair, it can also promote hair growth and both nourish and soothe the scalp. It can also be used to reduce dehydration, which can prevent dandruff. But how exactly do you use the product in the hair?

For medium hair, use two to five drops of oil and apply to the palm of your hand. Rub your palms together to warm the oil. Then apply the product to the entire scalp and massage it in well. Are you done with the massage? Then rub the oil further to the ends of the hair. After allowing the oil to work for 30 to 60 minutes, wash your hair with a regular shampoo.

All in all, our organic black cumin seeds can be used for many different purposes.

=== blog products === Black cumin seed oil | 100% Organic & Cold Pressed === blog products ===

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